Tuesday, December 11, 2012


I was so worried about our trip to Utah and making Emmett be in the car for so long, but he was an absolute dream. He only ate twice the entire 19 hours, and he slept almost the entire way.  We were amazed, and I was worried for nothin.   

When we got into town we went straight to Jessika's.  It was so great seeing her and little Elsa.  

Elsa loved Emmett

Great Grandma Pratt meeting the baby for the first time

"Pure sugar"

Even Emmett did the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning!

Talent Show! (and I only dare post this cuz I know about 4 people look at this blog, and that's being generous). 

Emmett's talent!


This was actually a few days before Halloween  but they're the only pictures of Emmett in his costume.  We went on a walk with Grammy P and Nadine and her kids. 

my cute 5 month old!

Emmett will be 5 months on the 16th!  He is such a sweet boy, always smiling and happy...
...and he started rolling over this week!
He actually does it at the end of this video..if you can stand to watch that long.. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Emmett 9 weeks old

July 16th 2012

I started having contractions on July 15th at around 10pm.  I wasn't due for 12 more days so I was surprised and excited. The contractions went on all night and I didn't sleep at all.  I paced around the apartment, straightening things up and looking at the baby's clothes.  Occasionally I lay down next to Weston and at one point he woke up and asked if we were having a baby.  I told him I thought we were and then he went back to sleep =).  I think that happened 2 or 3 times. The contractions were close together all night, like 5 minutes, but they weren't too painful.  I was worried I wasn't in true labor because they were only lasting 30 seconds but they were getting progressively more painful and were 2-3 minutes apart so at 8am we decided to go to the hospital. 

 At around 2 pm I was dilated to 5cm but my water still hadn't broke, so Dr. Finger decided to break it.That's right, my OBs name is Dr. Finger.  At least she's a woman.  This picture was taken right before she broke it.  
 It turned out the fluid was all bloody- including some old brown blood caused from a placental abruption.  The placenta had come partly detached from the uterine wall causing lots of bleeding.  The doctor said it could have been caused from an injury to the abdomen but we don't know the cause for sure. This is me right after they broke my water and got me all cleaned up.

Emmett Riding Pratt entered the world at 5:57 PM on July 16th 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pregnant Pics

June 17th.  35 weeks pregnant.  5 weeks to go!

 32 weeks

28 weeks!  Just starting my 3rd trimester!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

More with Kelly!

 My mother in law Julia took Kelly and I to this beautiful garden in Grapevine!

Mom Pratt and me

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Kelly came to visit!

The Flower Mound

It has been so fun having Kells here!
23 Weeks Preg

Everyone HAS to take a Blue Bonnet picture in Texas!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

20 Weeks and It's a BOY!

We've thought of our baby as a boy since we found out I was pregnant, but now we finally know for SURE. We are SO excited.  He started off facing down...
 Luckily he decided to roll over and show off the goods
 This is my favorite picture they took, I love his little profile!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Here we are in Texas!

Well we've been in Denton for about a month.   It's been a bit of a culture shock for me, but I think I'm really going to like it here.  Here's an update.
I started working at Denton Regional Medical Center a few weeks ago in the progressive care unit.  It is mostly cardiac patients, which I don't have much experience with, so I am learning a lot.  

Weston is taking some biology classes at UNT here in Denton.  He is also shadowing a doctor about 15 hours a week, which he loves.  His plan is to apply to medical school in June.  
We were asked to be in the Spanish ward here because they apparently need a lot of help.  Weston has been overly excited about it and I am still getting used to the idea =).  I finally got my first ultrasound!  I'm 18 weeks pregnant now and the baby is just barely starting to make my belly poke out a bit.  
Weston's sister Nadine lives in Dallas and it has been so fun spending time with her and her family!  This is Eric, Audrey and Sam.  They LOVE playing with Uncle Weston!