I started having contractions on July 15th at around 10pm. I wasn't due for 12 more days so I was surprised and excited. The contractions went on all night and I didn't sleep at all. I paced around the apartment, straightening things up and looking at the baby's clothes. Occasionally I lay down next to Weston and at one point he woke up and asked if we were having a baby. I told him I thought we were and then he went back to sleep =). I think that happened 2 or 3 times. The contractions were close together all night, like 5 minutes, but they weren't too painful. I was worried I wasn't in true labor because they were only lasting 30 seconds but they were getting progressively more painful and were 2-3 minutes apart so at 8am we decided to go to the hospital.
At around 2 pm I was dilated to 5cm but my water still hadn't broke, so Dr. Finger decided to break it.That's right, my OBs name is Dr. Finger. At least she's a woman. This picture was taken right before she broke it.
It turned out the fluid was all bloody- including some old brown blood caused from a placental abruption. The placenta had come partly detached from the uterine wall causing lots of bleeding. The doctor said it could have been caused from an injury to the abdomen but we don't know the cause for sure. This is me right after they broke my water and got me all cleaned up.
Emmett Riding Pratt entered the world at 5:57 PM on July 16th 2012