Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Robin Hood

Emmett is 3 years old now and Leo is 15 months! I'm exactly 20 weeks pregnant with our third boy. Boys are so much fun.  Emmett is always dressed up as something. He loves hats and has many. To name some: COWBOY (which is also a muskateers and pirate hat), fireman, construction worker, train conductor, soldier, fiddler on the roof....well he's been asking for a Robin Hood hat for a while now so we decided he could be Robin Hood for Halloween this year. Today the costume finally came in the mail. He did not understand why we couldn't just go to the store and get it. He was SO excited to put it on! Weston wasn't home and he kept saying "I NEED to show Dad!"  He ran around with his new little play knife and arrows tucked into his belt and he practiced shooting that bow and arrow for a long time before he finally could do it. He was determined to get it! He is now taking a nap still wearing the costume including the hat. I love that boy.